WhatsApp Trigger
Produces an event when associated WhatsApp number receives a message.
Acts as webhook that can be registered with META to receive notifications when a WhatsApp message is received to a specified number. To learn how to register you app, please follow our guide.
May for example be used to receive and act upon messages from users.
When this function is notified about new WhatsApp messages, an event is produced and routed to the out
Input/Output Format
The produced events are objects representing the received WhatsApp message. Please consult META's documentation about the format of these objects.
This functions does not listen for, nor emits any events.
All received webhook notifications are verified to come from META by using the META App secret.
Under some circumstances are notifications about new messages re-sent. This functions de-duplicates message over the last 24h period.
NOTE: All webhooks (including this functions) must be registered with META before META starts delievering notifications. The app containing this function must be RUNNING while performing the registration process.
Updated 5 days ago