Third Party Software

Third Party Software licenses and/or notices applicable to Lolo's products

Third Party Software deployed as part of Lolo

Third Party Software used which runs in the Supported Kubernetes environments is as follows:

Library NameVersion (if any)Brief DescriptionProject PageLicenseLinks to License Terms
Istio1.6.8+Service mesh used in Kubernetes. License 2.0
Apache KafkaUsed for event streaming and durable distributed storage of application state. License 2.0
GrafanaPlatform to monitor the cluster and applications. Optional License 2.0
PrometheusMetrics parser and collector License 2.0

Third Party Software used which runs as part of the Lolo engine is as follows:

Library NameVersion (if any)Brief DescriptionProject PageLicenseLinks to License Terms
ajv6.10.0JSON Schema Validator License
aws-sdk2.406.0AWS Software Develop Kit License 2.0
body-parser1.18.3Node.js body parsing middleware License
bunyan1.8.12JSON logging library for Node.js services License
cognito-express2.0.14Authenticates API requests on a Node.js application by verifying the JWT signature of AccessToken or IDToken generated by Amazon Cognito. License
cors2.8.5Node.js package for providing a Connect/Express middleware that can be used to enable Cross Object Resource Sharing License
express4.16.4Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js. License
graphlib0.6.2Graphlib is a JavaScript library that provides data structures for undirected and directed multi-graphs along with algorithms that can be used with them. License
http-status-codes1.3.2Constants enumerating the HTTP status codes License
json-stream1.0.0New line delimited JSON parser with a stream interface License
jsonwebtoken8.5.1An implementation of JSON Web Tokens License
kubernetes-client8.3.6Kubernetes API client for Node.js License
lodash4.17.11The Lodash library exported as Node.js modules License
mixwith0.1.1Mixin library for ES6 License 2.0
node-rdkafka2.8.1Node.js wrapper for Kafka C/C++ library License
request2.88.0Simplified HTTP client License 2.0
request-promise4.2.4HTTP request client 'request' with Promise support License
require-from-string2.0.2Load module from string in Node License
short-uuid3.1.1Generate and translate standard UUIDs into shorter - or just different - formats and back License
split23.1.1Split a Text Stream into a Line Stream, using Stream 3 License

User Third Party Software Considerations

As Lolo is designed for integration with the ability to build integrations or automatically import OpenAPI specifications and NodeJS packages, this means that the user may use external third party services and data sources which may have their own licensing, terms and privacy policies (the “External Third Party Services”). These External Third Party Services do not form part of the Lolo Product and are the responsibility of the user.